Kenyan Creative Writing Blogs

List of blogs ( Creative Writing )

Creative Writing

Aziz Mola

This is a personal blog by Aziz Mola.

Creative Writing

The Eleventh

Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?

Creative Writing

Nonsensical Gibbery

A blog about inner happenings of a fictional character called Anan Ocampo, a nom de guerre. A jack of all writing but a master of non in pursuit of dispensing raw emotions without inhibition. And that is only found in the power of the pen. Hasta L…

Creative Writing

Kenyan Incarnate: Wakenya Vifane

Typical Kenyan stories by a mkenya/kenyan child (Kenya Natural Citizen) which relate to anyone in the globe. Telling stories creatively in hope to inspire as well as challenge you. Not only to be a better person but also make another person better…

Creative Writing



Creative Writing

African Poet ,African story teller

Capturing the moments of our lives in humor .Telling the stories that make our lives .

Creative Writing

Jim Asudi

Making Good Use of the Alphabet…

Creative Writing


Blogging on conservation, environmental issues, my travels, experiences, interactions, fitness in the gym and yoga and everything else that matters…

Creative Writing

Fanne Mwambi | Fanne's Files

Talk about life and all the oranges and lemons it will hurl at you... Here I write down stuff that interests me that I feel may benefit others as well…

Creative Writing


A little about everything, a lot about nothing. Come find out... Let me be your muse!

Creative Writing


A lifestyle and creative writing that discusses both visual and performing arts, beauty apart from society's norms, relationships, adventure, food and fitness, and faith.

Creative Writing

Reson's Journal

My take on Life and other things...

Creative Writing

MMB (Audience of one)

If people said what they really thought, society would be impossible. My blog is about this journey called life from the way I see it. As long as you are human you'll relate to it one way or the other.

Creative Writing

Random Nairobi Mussings

Random Nairobi Mussings is my blog about life, my experiences, opinions and observations. Everything from Poetry, Entertainment, Fashion, Food to Lifestyle.

Creative Writing


One story is good, till another is told.

Creative Writing


Simplysaid Thoughts houses the creative thoughts and ideas of the author Mwende Mati. Aims include inspiring people and sharing opinion on certain issues of importance through writing.